Fat Loss...Part 3 Of The Amazing Fat Loss insider Secrets...
"You're a rare diamond in the rough, every thought and action will cut and polish your life! "
- John Mignano -
Dear Friend,
Urgent 'Special Alert' from Johni...
Thanks for your valuable time and reading this article. I appreciate you.
Listen, you can read all of the books (both online and offline) you like, but there is nothing to compare with real life experience, it's a fact... you know that don't you?
To be honest... weight loss or fat loss... isn't that difficult to do, but because there are so many different diets and 'experts' desperately trying to sell you on THEIR solution... it's easy for you to become overwhelmed.
Ha! Don't worry or sweat it...we've you heard that before!
With your permission, right now let's fill in some of the blanks (the puzzle that the so called experts want to keep you trapped in) because that's where I can definitely help you:
- Are you aware that simple common sense nutrition and being just a little bit active can strongly influence how attractive, confident and sexy you look and feel?
- Are you aware that sutrition and physical activity can also strongly influence how quickly or slowly a person will age?
- Are you aware of just how does dieting work?
- Which food groups are best for you?
- What kind of activity will best help you?
- How do you get the most out of your diet and life?
Geeze, even the 'experts' don't seem to agree so how are tyou suppose to figure it out?
Yep - you'll be laughing like a clown being chased by a feathered horned bull when you discover how surprising...
...No make that outrageously simple it is to thrive (let's simply not just talk about survival here - but ultimately boosting your immune, strength and health an extra notch.)
The burning question:
Are the food choices that you're making right now...wise and healthful, and is what you're eating being effectively utilised by your body?
You've seen the clever promotions, advertisments and timely announcements that keep you coming back...for more of the same results under a differnt headline.
The fancy eye-catching fad diets and fat/weight loss headlines...
They've also been tested, refined and featured in prominent radio, nightly news, television, internet, newspapers, and magazines worldwide.
In spite of the often deceptive advertising claims, incorrect advice, false or empty promises and hype over the past forty years, the sad reality is - fad diets and gimmick exercise products all share a common and disturbing relationship.
Have you any doubt about the claims?
Unfortunately they continue to play havoc, ruin lives, and hurt more ordinary people... plus fool more people into wasting time and money. It's criminal if not shameful but who are we kidding!
Intensive studies show the unfulfilled followers are most often caught in the dangerous and unpleasant surprises...unprepeared by the side-effects and damage - even unlikely to cut short of living a long and active, healthy life.
Now there's NO hidding of the facts that we live in a fast paced commercalised world, is there.
We sacrifice nutritional quality for convenience, and the price way pay in diminshed health is not even considered by manufacturers and marketers.
Words are used as very powerful and flexible weapons, they can be used to creatively get under your radar without being detected...and dissapear out of bounds, around any legal restrictions or legislation without too much of an effort.
The underlying notions are that fat is unsightly and ugly, and slimness is sexy and attractive.
- The first notion is not true, and the second is a matter of good taste.
Your present state of wellnes can give you a fair idea of what damage has been done to your body, maybe it isn't visable, but check your cholesterol, triglycerides, lipids, and blood pressure.
If you don't know how foods work, the affects on your digestion.
You might be interested to know, even optimal exercise is not enough to remove yourself from jeopardy.
It will let you down. That's the bad news.
If you've read this far, consider yourself extremely lucky.
Welcome to the 'offical' stamp of approval website. It doesn't have to be that way for you. Food is NOT your enemy.
You must EAT to live. It's not how much you eat, and it's not what you eat that makes you gain weight.
And the same principles apply to exercise.
But fortunately, it is a fact that 97% of your lifestyle skills can be taught and with the right teacher, they can be learned in under one hour!
Ok, maybe you've already fine-tuned your skills...but your hearts not in it.
Here's your passport to success card, stick around, use it often and see what happens.
You can do something short-term to increase your pleasure for living, loving, working, and playing again. Long-term what you really want is knowledge with a basic good sound plan.
May I ask, what's a desirable and much happier outlook for you?
Does enhancing the quality of your life, sharpness of all your senses, boundless energy, reducing the symptoms of pain related to so called 'aging', something worth going for?
How about a new attractive figure, improved sleep, better digestion and regained sexual enjoyment with pleasure, interest you?
That's the good news!
Suddenly... lightning-bolt strikes you - you're never quite the same, now imagine the impact, being certain of the results for the first time in your life.
It'll just 'blows-you-away'.... see you on the other side for the next exciting adventure!