Fat Loss: "Living It Up In Fat Loss Utopia"...Exposed!

Fat Loss! Living-It-Up-In-Fat-Loss-Utopia goes far beyond before-and-after images the familiar struggles or cliches of counting calories, wrong use of diets, supplements for slow metabolism, gaining muscle, burning body fat. If you've experienced living-it-up-in-fat-loss-utopia, you know pleasure in daily victories, feel unstoppable motivation, personal power, love & self-respect, value personal freedom, fun, excitement in understanding happiness, enjoying euphoria in better quality of life.

Hello Valued Friend, Thank you, feel free to read, comment, or ask questions...I'm here to help!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

    Look! There's nothing to buy, and it's all free. You'd probably agree it's worth every cent. First things first, put away your credit cards, I wont be asking you for any money! In fact cut them up, you won't be needing them any more. That's right, if you're a skeptic, just scroll to the bottom of the page and see for yourself...

Fat Loss...Let thy medicine be thy food, and thy food be thy medicine...

Fat Loss

Dear Lifestyler,

Thanks for your valuable feedback and support, you're much appreciated.

In the midst of so much current trendy and often conflicting dietary recommendations...

Living It up In Fat Loss Utopia is based on years of personal experience following simple eating habits of indigenous peoples of Australia and around the world.

How can you explain why most of the chronic, degenerative diseases that are so commonplace in modern society, that are virtually non-existent among these people?

The answer is easily revealed in that all of these people share common eating habits because their health and long life spans are linked to what foods they eat and how they ate them.

Here's a common sense solution that enables you to follow the dictates of Hippocrates.

"Let thy medicine be thy food, and thy food be thy medicine":

Eat a diet rich in organic whole, natural foods

Eat only foods that will spoil, but eat them before they do

Eat naturally-raised meat including fish, seafood, poultry, beef, lamb, game, organ meats and eggs

Eat whole, naturally-produced milk products from pasture-fed cows, preferably raw and/or fermented, such as whole yogurt, cultured butter, whole cheeses and fresh and sour cream

Use only traditional fats and oils including butter and other animal fats, extra virgin olive oil, expeller expressed sesame and flax oil and the tropical oils—coconut and palm.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably organic, in salads and soups, or lightly steamed

Use whole grains and nuts that have been prepared by soaking, sprouting or sour leavening to neutralize phytic acid and other anti-nutrients

Include enzyme-enhanced lacto-fermented vegetables, fruits, beverages and condiments in your diet on a regular basis

Prepare homemade meat stocks from the bones of chicken, beef, lamb or fish and use liberally in soups and sauces

Use herb teas and coffee substitutes in moderation

Use filtered water for cooking and drinking

Use unrefined Celtic seasalt and a variety of herbs and spices for food interest and appetite stimulation

Make your own salad dressing using raw vinegar, extra virgin olive oil and expeller expressed flax oil

Use natural sweeteners in moderation, such as raw honey, maple syrup, dehydrated cane sugar juice and stevia powder

Use only unpasteurized wine or beer in strict moderation with meals

Cook only in stainless steel, cast iron, glass or good quality enamel

Use only natural supplements

Get plenty of sleep, exercise and natural light

Think positive thoughts and minimize stress

Practice forgiveness...

Thanks for being you, I appreciate you.

Yours truly, johni

Fat Loss