Fat Loss...Part 4 Of The Amazing Fat Loss Insider Secrets...
Dear Lifestyler,
How are you doing, thanks for reading, I appreciate your time.
Have you thought about releasing (some say losing but what happens when you feel at loss) excess body fat as being very simple, straightforward, pain-free, and a cost effective process?
You don't have to be rich to afford good health...although that's a bit of a falacy these days because if you're wanting to optimize the results you've got to have deep pockets.
That's true even if you've the right guide to help you avoid most mistakes and exploit what most of the health / dietary 'experts' aren't aware of.
You'll feel younger and look it too with a proven effective and more exciting approach than any other out there.
To a huge extent, it slices your effort in half and frees even far-gone victims from further ravages of digestive, nutritional deficiency, weak immune, age-related, degenerative diseases and spares you from developing them.
Improved health, reduced blood pressure and cholesterol, stabilised blood sugar levels, with increased energy and appetite control and so on, are all a result of proper nutrition, and activity.
The evidence is real, it is here and is certainly strong enough, short of absolute proof.
In essence, now you can see and learn for yourself what's working based on your personal results.
With you permission, I want share my knowledge, teach you how to eat to stay healthy, lean and clean...the right way!
What I mean is do you what to know how to relieve your heart burn, stomach upsets, pains, bloated, indigested, gas, constipated, toxic like a drain, etc.
"This is ground breaking news..."
Well, I want to show you the best results possible and most safest way for you to enjoy NOT having to endure it everyday.
Hey, I may not be able to change your past, but we can do something about the future.
Even if I have to twist your arm, it doesn't matter what diet you follow.
Nothing up my sleeve.
No sales pitch...
No problem!
This is NOT just for 2 weeks or 3 weeks, but for the rest of your long, healthy, active life... probably even adding twenty to thirty years to your lifespan.
Life is a paradise for those who live and love with passion and use knowledge to properly eat and exercise. This is the KEY to easy permanent, healthy weight loss... and you know it!
If you win just a single slice of extra years from one of the techniques here, the whole KIT will have been incredibly worthwhile! What are you waiting for?
Your personal lifestyle success story can be enhanced and improved for the better (whether you are single or married.)
Acknowledge that this is just a taste of what I want to give you. I know you're busy so let's get right to the point.
Some people say that most fad diets they have followed over the years is like doing 'hard-time' in prison.
It's like chiseling a large boulder into pebbles, dragging a ball and chain, being restricted by what you can eat and do.
Some diet regimes, virtually have very little in the way of freedom.
Your motivation and energy is diminished, and you've gotta live in isolation because of the previous temptations you had.
Unorthodox as it is... most fad diets are unrealistic over the long term, and any lost fat simply returns when the program is abandoned.
The other dangerous and hazardous elements are majority of these diets are based on the wrong food groups, they advocate high volumes of frequent training...
And they're just silly, just too complex in their structure for anyone to logically follow for any length of time.
If you're blindly following a 'body-bashing' regime, you're constantly pushed to your physical and emotional threshold, and this will always lead to mental burnout.
Why work your tail off?
That's why you'll be forced to quit and abandon your diet and also dump your exercising after a short period of time... maybe even before two weeks is up especially if you've been inactive.
You need an slow and steady approach that is real in producing consistent, permanent weight loss... would you agree?
Not only are these dieting practices futile, they turn your body and life into a hellish painful ordeal, and discourage even short term consistency, which results in a retreat to previous lifestyle and poor eating habits.
Considering the general aim of most diets is to lose weight... at any cost... fast, they're mainly used as a short-term tool, and that only gives you harsh choices.
Short cut usually have limitations and consequences, so you can either deprive yourself, starve, or replace real foods with powders, liquids or restrict /and or count colories, whatever.
Sorry but everything about the very nature of most diets is unnatural.
You may lose weight, but when you get back to real world situations, you are right back where you started.
You gain the weight back and add some because you didn't learn what was making you feel stiff, aching, lousy, tired, irritable, and fat...
If you find yourself returning to dieting, over and over again, maybe you also developed the strangest of ideas, as if it is a license to throw out ethical behavior and common sense.
You didn't learn exactly what kind of fats are essential, so you can eat to heal and lose weight, plus you didn't learn how much sugar, carbohyrates and non-essential fats there is in foods.
You were left guessing what to do, confused, deprived and starved.
In other words, you weren't in control.
If you're currently following a 'dead-end' diet that does NOT support you in a healthy, energizing and enjoyable way towards permanent weight loss, that is why you will always be searching for answers.
This is scary, but very true.
Thanks for reading, please come back soon.
I encourage you to send me your feedback and comments, I appreciate you.
Fat Loss