Fat Loss...Part 3: Body fat isn’t rocket science...but why do you want to diet in the first place?
Dear Lifestyler,
Yep, I admit it.
I had many conflicting head spinning stressful dissociated feelings.
I carried around the bitter taste of disillusion, anxiety, doubts, misconceptions, fears, and confusion.
Ten years later, I was free and today I have my weight and life back in control.
Good sound health, and well being with permanent results takes time and education.
So if you ever had the thought…"I can’t do this, then think again.”
Ok, sometimes what you see is NOT what you get.
Maybe you’ve got a weight problem and knowing what to look for and how to read the numbers makes all the difference.
Now you can find the answers as you’ll soon discover you don’t have to be an Einstein or master at math to understand the numbers when I show you the simple steps you can take.
In the early and more so the later half of the 20th Century, our parents and for many of us, we were raised to follow a that investing in good health...
Well…it would kinda take care of itself.
Did it ever occur to you that you want to take care of yourself?
Don’t worry that's not a trick question.
And its certainly not too late to do something but there’s something you should know.
If you're moderate to overweight or bordering on obese.
Maybe it's not entirely your fault.
It just might be a metabolic disorder, even you haven't as yet been diagnosed as a diabetic.
For most of your life you've been subtly persuaded…
Heck, who am I kidding!
Duped into thinking the only way to stay healthy and or lose weight is to eat an extremely low fat diet.
This is one of the biggest misconceptions you've ever been told.
In the earlier part of the 20th century, people ate much more fat and TONS less sugar, or the refined cereals (simple carbohydrates) and very few of the population were obese.
People instinctively knew and understood that fat satisfied hunger for longer periods of time, which meant that they were satisfied with less food.
Then, a discovery came along and a so-called expert put forward an untested theory that fat is what makes people fat.
All of a sudden there was a notion or hysteria about fat.
Yes things changed dramatically, it caused a massive tidal wave that divided facts from opinions.
And this set motion as a gigantic restructuring in the food industry had begun.
What’s the big deal?
Millions and millions of corporate dollars were poured in and these companies realized cheap food meant big dollars.
The plan was at first was to scare or should I say gently persuade you to buy into the fat is bad for you craze.
It’s a tactical way of giving permission to other people.
A way of allowing opinions to permeate in telling you to buy more and more of their ready made products, most of which are promoted as being healthy "low fat" or "no fat" or “99% fat free” and therefore must be good for you, right?
All these manufactured products have to get their flavor from somewhere, so they're loaded with sugars or artifical compounds (a host of unprenouncable chemicals).
You are now consuming (overloading)… actually poisoning yourself with higher and higher doses of sugar. Maybe you don’t even realise it's sugar that’s making you fat.
Not FAT.
Let’s for a moment, go back and fix the leaky tap on what a diet really is?
A diet is a system… a regulated course of eating and drinking, a specially prescribed daily regimen. It is to regulate or restrict food or drink according to the regimen.
An allowance of food, a ration.
In other words a diet is a basic tool.
It's a short solution or tool for fixing weight or health related problems.
The biggest mistake we tend to make is to think that one tool will do the job for everything.
Now that’s funny because it’s like saying one dress size should fit all women.
Can you imagine, it would be totally ridiculous.
You have many different outfits for specific occasions and that’s the same with diets.
Ok, so now you know… it isn’t good practice to rely on or use one tool to fix all your problems, frankly you may not have the same problem someone else has… make sense?
So…what’s the solution?
Firstly, the pro’s and con’s, although well meaning, we tend to make the same mistakes over and over again.
Do you find there’s unsubstantiated promises with too much negativity and confusion?
Well, I have to confess, I now want to give you five guarantees with my insiders system which I have developed.
It’s the secret weapon behind my freedom… it’s called your Ultimate Lifestyle Success System™ also referred to as (“JULS”).
By the way, it’s a smart idea to start with the end result in mind.
That's why I've diligently researched the facts.
I really want you to uncover the true facts and learn to know exactly where you're at any given time throughout your lifestyle journey.
I want you to know what you can be doing, what to expect at various stages from the beginning… right through to every stage.
If you're looking for a sharp dressed 'genius' in a $4,000 Armani suit and an attitude to lecture you about all the compelling, illuminating, extraordinary, and provocative ways he's smarter than you, I’m not the guy you want.
This is all about you, enhancing and improving your lifestyle.
This is all about you participating… I’m here to make sure every minutes counts.
From day one you know where you stand and we get right down to the business end.
Sometimes it’s fun and it’s nice to call weight loss a game, but it’s your own life you’re gambling away.
There's a reason for doing the training and that’s why we’ve put it there for you.
You’ll learn and retain much more by actually participating...
And the best way to do that is by making it your own… that is to say, when you experience that “Ah, ha” I’ve got it, you’ve establish a conscious link and firmly implanted the seed for permanent change.
Now you can use your new found knowledge to take cation.
Success is all about getting up, just one more time than you fall down.
How many times have you "fallen down" while trying desperately to lose body fat or reduce weight?
How much longer are you willing to put up with knowing that you deserve more than you're getting?
The bottom line is that the information will help you get back up and moving forward.
Isn't that what you truly want?
No Empty promises and hype…because I won't be showing you things that 'might' work or 'should' work.
Everything taught is tested and proven effective on real men and women on a daily basis.
It's the exact same up-to-date information I personally use, where I go to get the best advice on getting on top of personal problems.
Losing weight is very much a reality and it works as long as you stick to a few basic principles.
Are you intentionally self-inflicting pain or relegating mediocrity upon yourself?
There are plenty of ways you could be doing this, so I'll not only show you HOW you're sabotaging your own success, but also teach you what you can do about it.
Sound good to you?
Now you can wield this weapon and allow yourself to change your thoughts and environment, then begin to reap the high rewards.
I know what I’m talking about, have been where you are right now, and have written the content of this current series, and created all the training around my individual experiences, disciplines and specialties.
The results stand on it’s own.
Lifestylers have shown the results are everything you'd want to set your own world on fire.
For example:
Let's take the case of Christopher Columbus, he certainly didn’t have “secret” knowledge about navigation that allowed him to sail to the New World.
His secret was the combination of knowledge with an understanding that the world was round.
That was it.
Real results not just hot air and theory. There is nothing discussed that you cannot do. Period.
Of course, simplicity is the only rule here. You encounter it every single day without even realizing how it's hypnotic powers are affecting you.
Make no mistake, I'll pull back the curtain and expose everything about how you can do it, look and feel at your absolute best... and share with you the detailed clear steps that no one else wants to.
Yes, I will not only explain how to implement real lifestyle strategies but I will also show you exactly WHY these proven strategies work.
Honestly, once you understand the HOW and WHY of what I reveal, implementing becomes second nature to you.
Studies have shown that the majority of men and women who diet in the old traditional ways, will gain the weight back.
The usual pattern is they will gain back even more than they lost.
This is a fact that most women do not often consider.
I give you authentic battle tested information that without an ounce of doubt absolutely works.
They're taught to drink weight loss shakes...
...or eat specially prepared foods for a period of months and lose a large amount of weight, but what happens when it's time to go back to the regular life and real ways of eating?
Lifestylers are health conscious…
Most fad diets do in fact work and will definitely help you lose weight quickly if you eat their restrictive foods, but what happens when you go back to your real world?
But...you'll most definitely go back to your old eating habits.
You know just as well as I do, you cannot remain on a tactical type of diet forever, sooner or later you will cave in when you have to face real situations and temptations again.
The result is the whole ridiculous cycle starts all over again.
You want permanent results and the only way is with a strategy.
Tactical diets, they do not prepare you for long term changes.
The question is how long can you remain or maintain the results.
Successful weight loss will require a permanent change in eating habits.
A worth while program should not only effectively help you lose body fat, it should also help you to learn, understand, and develop the correct eating habits necessary to maintain your new body.
Now, you might be thinking , "It doesn’t matter if I lose muscle as long as I'm thin"...
Just accet it and understand that muscle burns more calories than fat, this helps to keep your metabolism elevated.
Muscle also gives you a shapely, firm and more defined sexy body.
If you end up with less muscle than when you started, you can bet your metabolism will slow down to a crawl, which, in the long run, means your body will be burning fewer calories and storing more fat.
Ultimately, you may get down to the weight that you desire, but you will have more body fat, less muscle mass and no muscle tone.
The traditional 20th Century tactical type dieting techniques are primarily working against you.
These modern day diets are designed for not only draining your pockets, as well as your energy and creating a much weaker immune system.
Yes, there’s plenty of hard evidence… and science to back that up.
Fat Loss